Coronavirus Updates

Update: Friday, May 27, 2022

The CDC reported Thursday that Cook County is now rated at High Community Level for COVID-19.

Since Cook County has not reinstated a mask mandate, South Park Church is not changing our current requirements on masking.  However, we wanted to make sure you have information to help you make choices that are best for you and your family. Click here to find CDC recommendations for people in areas at High Community Level

Mask Update/Reminder:  Monday, February 28, 2022

As of February 28, the mask mandate in Illinois and Cook County has been lifted and masks are now optional at South Park Church.  On Sunday, March 6, you can expect the following:

  • Masks are optional for all adults in attendance.  
  • This week only, the balcony will be designated a "masks-only" area to care for those who seek an additional level of precaution. The leadership team will assess the need to change or continue this for future Sundays.
  • The main floor of the sanctuary will be mask-optional.
  • 1st Grade - High School: Masks are optional for students and leaders.
  • Wonderland: Masks are recommended for kids who are able to wear them. Masks are required for leaders.

In addition, 

  • The cafe will reopen this Sunday to begin serving complimentary coffee before service (make sure to come early!)
  • On March 20th, we will begin selling specialty drinks and snacks!

Thank you again for your cooperation and patience throughout.  We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!


Mask Update:  Friday, February 11, 2022

Governor Pritzker announced the likelihood that the mask mandate will be lifted on Monday, February 28.  As we have throughout the pandemic, the Leadership Team has decided to continue to follow that guidance. This will include making masks optional in the majority of our ministry spaces beginning Monday, February 28.  The first Sunday service where masks will be optional will be Sunday, March 6.

Leadership Team, in coordination with Family Ministries, will be reviewing the mask policy for Wonderland, ECHO, Ascent and Summit.  The Leadership Team is also considering making the balcony a space in the sanctuary where masks are required as we did last summer before the mask mandate was reinstated.  The final decision on these will be communicated on or before February 28.

If for some reason the mask mandate is not lifted on February 28, Leadership Team will meet to decide on next steps.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience through the entire pandemic,


Cook County Mask Mandate:  Monday, August 23, 2021

In accordance with the Cook County Department of Public Health's newest mandate, South Park Church will now require face coverings for everyone while in the building.  Signs are posted throughout the building as a reminder.  This is in place both for South Park Church ministries and for other ministries or groups which use our building. 

Thank you for your patience with these adjustments as we do our part to bring an end to this pandemic.


Updated guidance on masks:  Saturday, July 31, 2021


On July 28th, the CDC issued guidelines regarding the Delta variant. According to the CDC, “Infections happen in only a small proportion of people who are fully vaccinated, even with the Delta variant. However, preliminary evidence suggests that fully vaccinated people who do become infected with the Delta variant can spread the virus to others.” The CDC now recommends that all individuals, regardless of vaccination status, wear a mask in public indoor settings if they are in an area of substantial or high transmission to reduce your risk of becoming infected with the Delta variant and potentially spreading it to others, especially children who cannot yet be vaccinated and those at a higher risk.   We will continue to update you on new and changing recommendations for both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.

Note:  Masks are required for all individuals over the age of 2 in Wonderland and ECHO areas.

Here is a link regarding the updated recommendations for your reference:

Phase 5 Update:  Friday, June 11, 2021

Illinois moves to Phase 5 today!  After 18 months, things are getting back to normal. What does that mean for SPC?  We are practically back to normal with a few things to keep in mind.

100% of the room capacity is allowed.  Since we have a large building, it might not seem that different from the bridge phase but it's encouraging  to know we can welcome more people!
Because the CDC hasn't changed their recommendation, we are still asking unvaccinated people to wear masks for their safety and the safety of other unvaccinated people.
The balcony will remain a space where masks are required.  This is to provide a space for families or anyone that feels safer being around only masked individuals.  We will let you know when this changes.
Ministries are allowed to serve food in the building. We ask that you practice social distancing when eating.  If unvaccinated individuals want to eat, that is allowed, please have masks on when not eating.  We can open the cafe but many are quite fond of the lemonade and coffee outside after service so we will be continuing that. Join us!
We are continuing pre-registration for Wonderland and ECHO so we know how many volunteers are needed that weekend.  The more volunteers we have the more children we can welcome back to ministry!  Pray about if this is a ministry you feel called to serve in for this season. If so, email
We will continue to check-in at worship service and have you fill out the check-in form for ministries. Since phase 5 is new, we want to make sure we are able to communicate anything important from a health perspective with those in attendance.  It's also great seeing who's reengaging in person!

We are excited to be able to experience ministry again with more people and in more formats. 
God is doing a new thing!  See You Sunday!


Family Ministry Update: Thursday, May 20, 2021


Dear SPC Kids family,

We are very excited to be reopening our children’s ministry spaces and have the opportunity to meet with students again! Our grand re-opening is June 6!  We also want to make sure that students and families are safe and feel safe. To ensure this safety, we have created the following measures:

Entrances and Exits:
Beginning this Sunday, May 23rd, a separate entrance and exit will be provided on the Rosemont side of the building for families to use if they prefer. This will be a mask enforced zone, meaning all who use this area will be asked to wear masks. Creating this space is not to limit families from engaging with the rest of the congregation, but is to protect students and families who are unable to be or are not vaccinated.  Just look for the canopy and greeters who will welcome you!

Mask Zones:

Like the Rosemont entrance, in all SPC Kids areas masks will be required. This includes ECHO and Wonderland spaces, as well as designated ministry areas. The balcony will now be designated seating for the comfort and safety of those who desire to wear masks at all times. There will be signs that indicate where masks are required. 

Student Specific Safety:
ALL STUDENTS will be required to wear masks while in our ministry spaces, remain 3ft apart from one another, and will be asked to sanitize their hands upon entry. We will also require the same of volunteers and will continue to keep ministry materials and spaces clean. Parents are asked to wear masks at drop-off and pick-up regardless of vaccination status.  

We are dedicated to the safety and health of all who attend SPC, especially our students. We thank you for your encouragements as we reopen and for your willingness to help us keep our students safe!

In Christ,

The South Park Church Family Ministry Team

Click here to register to attend!

Wellness Team Update: Friday, May 14, 2021


This has been an exciting week at South Park Church! 

On Monday the front office opened and we've enjoyed seeing people that have come for meetings and ministries!  Today marks the beginning of the "Bridge phase," allowing us to increase capacity in all settings.   And, on Thursday, the CDC announced that fully vaccinated people* no longer need to wear a mask indoors and outdoors.

For the past 14 months (to the day) we have followed the advice of public health experts and this announcement is no exception.  

Beginning today, if you are fully vaccinated, you do not need to wear a mask to Sunday service or most ministries.  You may choose to wear a mask and you are welcome to do so.  We anticipate a combination of both masked and unmasked individuals so we don't expect anyone to feel out of place.  
If you are not vaccinated, we ask that you still wear a mask to protect yourself and others who are not vaccinated.  Children are ineligible for the vaccine, teens are beginning to receive the vaccine and it may take awhile before they are fully vaccinated, and we have some in our church family that are unable to receive the vaccine for health reasons.

Care ministry and family ministries may have some added guidelines because those who are attending (and those we are serving) are children, teens, and our most vulnerable adult members.  Guidelines will be clearly communicated to you by the ministry leader.  

There will be signs posted throughout the building with this new guidance!  Thank you, South Park Church Family, for patiently and compassionately following the guidelines these past months.  

We can’t wait to see your smiles again! 

Wellness Team Update: Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hopefully you have heard the announcements about opening up Illinois! The Wellness Team is aware of requirements for both the "Bridge" Phase and Phase 5. We will communicate details on how that pertains to South Park Church as soon as we enter the "Bridge" phase! You can find information that the state shared here:

The South Park Church Wellness Team

Wellness Team Update: Monday, October 26, 2020

Since the beginning of March, the South Park Church Wellness Team has met weekly.  We have continued to monitor the statistics of our region, in particular the percentage of positive cases and hospitalizations. Because of this awareness, we have been prepared to make adjustments as the situation in our region changes. 
Because of an increase in the percentage of positive cases and hospitalizations in our region, suburban cook county will come under tighter restrictions beginning Wednesday. For more information on what that means, visit 

What does that mean for us?

  • Sunday Worship Services: Sunday services will continue to meet in person but numbers are reduced.  The tighter restrictions limit the amount of people gathering to 25.  For that reason, we will have the following numbers available for Sunday services:  Sanctuary floor: 25;  Balcony: 20;  MPR: 25;  Fellowship Hall: 20. To register to attend in-person click here.  We will continue to stream services on our Website, Facebook Page and YouTube channel.
  • Small Groups: Are unaffected due to the numbers being much smaller than 25 people.
  • Ministries - Iron Men, Young Adults, Youth, Be the Bridge: Your ministry leader will be in touch regarding plans for meeting while we are in tighter restrictions.

We also wanted to make sure you knew the plan when we have a positive case of Covid-19.  

  • Self-Certification: It is essential that everyone that meets in person fills out a self-certification form the days they are at SPC. This is how we know who to inform if there is a positive case. We never share your information with others, it is used for internal communication purposes only. The form can always be found at To make it easier, you can save this link:  
  • Safety Guidelines: We follow strict guidelines regarding masks and social distancing so it will be unlikely anyone attending our ministries will be at increased risk.  When you join us in person, please be diligent in leaving 6 foot or more distance between you and those not in your family and wearing a mask (over nose and mouth) the entire time.  
  • Notification of Positive Cases: In the event of a positive case, an email will be sent out from alerting those in attendance that they have possibly been exposed.  
  • Ministries and Events: All ministries and events will continue as planned unless there are 5 or more cases that can be traced back to the same ministry meeting/event.  
  • Cancellation of Ministry: If 5 or more cases are traced to a single ministry event, we will alert you of that. That ministry will cancel meeting in person the next week and will resume 14 days from the date of exposure. 

We've enjoyed continuing to connect with you virtually and meeting more frequently in person.  Thank you for following the guidelines and caring for each other's safety.  We will continue to keep you informed on any changes that take place.
As we navigate these next weeks and months, we pray that you feel God's presence and protection,
The South Park Church Wellness Team

South Park Church
1330 S. Courtland Avenue | Park Ridge, IL 60068 | 847.825.5507

